1/6/2019 – Moments of Truth – When Our Responses Determines Our Future – Pastor Steve Blayer

Moments of truth…Our response determines our future

The bible is a collection of stories of those who chose God at their moment of truth

A moment of truth is when circumstances force us into a place of decision. The choices we make in that “moment” determine the course of our next season of life. 

The most important choice of all is how deeply we will involve God in our discernment. Will we see the facts through the lens of THE Truth when we reach the crossroads of life? 

Prov 3:5-6  …lean not on your own understanding

Every crossroad of life can be a moment when we learn to conform our ways to the ways of Paradise. By involving the Father in our discernment, we reveal, and conquer, the sin which remains in our hearts.

Psa 95:6-8  Today, if you would hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts, 

Hardness of heart sets in when we ignore or reject God’s wisdom, and determine to move forward with a decision based on the muddled wisdom of our deceived hearts. 
Issues we choose over God’s wisdom:
·     Pride 
·     Offense
·     Bitterness
·     Fear
·     Shame
·     Self-Preservation

Phil 3:12-15 TPT