YQA – Being a Door Mat

This episode of Your Questions Answered talks about a sermon Pastor Steve shared on Sunday, April 14th (Living Above The Law | 4/14/2024 | Sunday Service). I ask Pastor Steve about being a doormat – which is analogy he used in his sermon.

The Grace of Giving – Part 2 | 4/28/2024 | Sunday Service

Pastor Steve continues his series on the Grace of Giving with Part 2. What do we do with the abundance that God has given us? How do avoid the human tendencies of both hoarding and being stingy? How do we avoid the trap of legalism in giving? Pastor Steve answers these questions and more in this week’s podcast.

YQA – The Red Heifer

Your Questions Answered – Todd asks Pastor Steve about the Red Heifer that’s mentioned in the Bible (Numbers 19:1-22) and relates to Old Testament Sacrifice. Is it still for today? This podcast references a sermon Pastor Steve preached on The More Sure Word of Prophecy | 4/7/2024 | Sunday Service

The Grace of Giving – Part 1 | 4/21/2024 | Sunday Service

Talk of the economy seems to often land in the news, in discussions in social media, and even in our worries. Pastor Steve starts a new sermon series talking about the economy – Heaven’s economy. How do we decouple ourselves from the poverty mindset and lifestyle and move towards embracing Heaven’s economy of generosity, blessing, and true prosperity? Find out …

Living Above The Law | 4/14/2024 | Sunday Service

When we are saved through Jesus, we are set free from the law. What that means and doesn’t mean is up often has Christians confused – since I am free from the law, do we have to follow it any more? What do I follow instead? Where does grace fit into all of this? Pastor Steve encourages and clarifies with …

The More Sure Word of Prophecy | 4/7/2024 | Sunday Service

What are we to make of natural occurrences like earthquakes, and eclipses? What do we do when a prophet predicts the return of Jesus to coincide with these events? How are we to know what is true? Pastor Steve talks about the understand these things and more in his sermon, and includes practical ways to understand scripture in a new …

Light and Life to All He Brings | 3/31/2024 | Sunday Service

If a man dies, can he live again? Such is a question considered by all of humanity. Some may choose to live life in feigned ignorance of death by either “whistling past the graveyard” or partying like there is no tomorrow, but the question still remains: If a man dies, can he live again? In this Easter Sunday message, Pastor …

YQA – Children who wouldn’t stop worshipping Jesus

In this episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Pastor Steve about the children who couldn’t stop worshiping Jesus – the story being found in Matthew 21. Pastor Steve also invites everyone to join in at a special Stations of the Cross experience being held at Calvary Wesleyan Church in Millersburg.

YQA – Giving and the Prosperity Gospel

In this episode of Your Questions Answered, Pastor Steve talks with Leisa Rupp. Leisa had previously taught a 5 part miniseries on various aspects of giving that generated a lot of questions. Pastor Steve asks her questions about tithing, the link to the Prosperity Gospel, and more!

When Jesus Meets The Spirit of Religion | 3/24/2024 | Sunday Service

The triumphal entry of Jesus is followed closely by Jesus entering the temple and driving out those who were buying and selling, as well as overturning the tables of the money changers. Immediately after driving those people out, Jesus welcomed in the blind and lame. Jesus didn’t have a temper tantrum – he wanted to remove any barriers His people …