A Tale of Two Storms | 6/2/2024 | Sunday Service

In a special combined service, Pastor Steve involves the pre-school and elementary kids in a message about two storms. Though we’re publishing this as an audio message, it’s definitely better to watch in video form on our YouTube or Facebook channels if possible!

Worth Dying For | 5/26/2024 | Sunday Service

For some, Memorial Day is a day of barbecues, pool parties, and family gatherings. In today’s message, Pastor Steve talks about the importance of remembering those who gave their all for what they believed in. While reflecting on both the fallen heroes of the United States and of those mentioned in Hebrews 11, we’re reminded to ask ourselves an important …

YQA – God’s Generosity

In this episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Bill and Sylvia Gearhart (his parents!) questions about God’s generosity during a season filled with job loss, a premature baby, and lots of unknowns. Listen and be encouraged!

The Grace of Giving – Part 4 – The Truth About Tithing

Pastor Steve concludes his sermon series on The Grace of Giving. In Part 4 of his series, Pastor Steve talks about the truths of tithing. How do you see tithing? Do you see it like a tax, that’s required and comes with consequences if we don’t do it? Perhaps you see it like a conditional blessing? Either way, Pastor Steve …

YQA – Was Jesus a Communist?

In this week’s episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Pastor Steve all about some New Testament passages that seem to describe communism/socialism. Did Jesus preach communism? What should we do with passages like this? Pastor Steve mentioned two books for further reading: Animal Farm – by George Orwell Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators – David Chilton

Renewal – Patti Bowman | 5/12/2024 | Sunday Service

Patti Bowman shares this Sunday on how to renew our hearts, bringing examples from her work as a nurse. She connects these physical illustrations with spiritual truths in ways that will help each of us have new life in Christ, and truly experience a transformed heart!

Your Questions Answered – Generous Like God?

In this episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Pastor Steve about his sermon series on Giving – Are we called to be as generous as God, and should we expect something from God when we give?

The Grace of Giving – Part 3 | 5/5/2024 | Sunday Service

When we hear talk of economics, there’s a commonly cited law called the law of supply and demand. In this week’s message, Pastor Steve talks about the economy of the kingdom of heaven and a different law that it has: the law of sowing and reaping.

YQA – Legalism and Our Money

This week, Todd asks Pastor Steve to talk more about something he mentioned during his Sunday sermon: being legalistic with our money. What does it look like to involve Jesus in our finances?