Don’t Forget To Remember | 12/10/2023 | Sunday Service

How do you remember what God has done in your life? Pastor Steve talks about the importance of remembering our testimonies – memorializing these moves of God like the Israelites did as recorded in Judges 8. This Sunday’s message was preached to an audience who sat at tables, and there was lots of audience participation from all who gathered. If …

Shut The Door | 12/03/2023 | Sunday Service

Pastor Steve shares a message this week on strongholds, and ends with a ministry time. If you haven’t already, we recommend listening to the two previous sermons: (We Grow What We Feed | 11/19/2023 | Sunday Service and We Grow What We Feed – Part 2 | 11/26/2023 | Sunday Service) There was a powerful impartation for those who were …

We Grow What We Feed | 11/19/2023 | Sunday Service

What we think about who God is and what we think about who we are matters. It not only matters, but are thoughts, as Pastor Steve shares, are really the forefront of spiritual warfare. This week, Pastor Steve talks about the concept of strongholds, and separating lies from truth, and what it means to truly embrace the truth of God …

Stay Free | 11/12/2023 | Sunday Service

This week, Pastor Steve talks about freedom. In John 8:36 Jesus says “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed…”. How do we get free, and stay free? Pastor Steve talks about the importance of agreeing with the truth of what Jesus says in all areas of our life. To disagree is to rebel, and can lead to us partnering …

Saved To The Uttermost | 11/5/2023 | Sunday Service

When does salvation begin? What happens when we are saved? The salvation we receive from Jesus sets us free, but how do we truly experience freedom, and remain free? Pastor Steve talks about making salvation a daily event, not just a one-time encounter.

It’s All On The Cross | 10/29/2023 | Sunday Service

We must do more than just believe in the cross, for it to have full benefit, we must apply it by faith – to actually allow the cross to put to death that must die, so that we can truly live. This week, Pastor Steve unpacks Isaiah 53 as we learn to allow all of our sin, shame, pain and …

We Have Good News! | 10/15/2023 | Sunday Service

Is the great commission only for the apostles, or is it for all of us? This week, Pastor Steve unpacks the Great Commission – both in Matthew 28, and also Isaiah 61. We are called to more than just preaching, but to bring the good news as well – the total package of Jesus – of healing, deliverance, and a …

Your Questions Answered: How to Build?

If you haven’t already listened to Pastor Steve’s sermon on building the house of the Lord, go back and listen here, and then come back and listen to this podcast where Todd continues the conversation with some questions for Pastor Steve.