YQA: Religion and Relentless Self-Focus

Todd and Pastor Steve talk more about the spirit of religion, how it leads to relentless self-focus and why Pastor Steve says we should “Just Stop It!” (This follows up a sermon Pastor Steve preached at Hillside on 9/22/2024) Here’s the Bob Newhart video Pastor Steve refers to.

YQA: Adam Eve, and Death

In this week’s episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Pastor Steve about whether Adam and Eve truly understood death. In the discussion that follows, we also talk about the importance of trust in a relationship with God, and how quickly religion can create barriers that don’t exist between us and God.

YQA: Condemnation vs Conviction

In this week’s episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Pastor Steve to talk more about “Bible Bashing” (HINT: Don’t Do It!) and the difference between condemnation and conviction. Pastor Steve also mentions “Love Never Fails” – a teaching series available for FREE on our website: https://hcfmillersburg.churchcenter.com/channels/4069

YQA: Unpunishable in the New Covenant?

In this week’s episode of YQA, Pastor Steve and Todd talk about the wrath of God, being unpunishable in the New Covenant, and the sad story of Ananias and Sapphira. This is a follow-up podcast to 8/18/2024 | There’s Only One Way To Learn Obedience | Sunday Service

Worth Dying For | 5/26/2024 | Sunday Service

For some, Memorial Day is a day of barbecues, pool parties, and family gatherings. In today’s message, Pastor Steve talks about the importance of remembering those who gave their all for what they believed in. While reflecting on both the fallen heroes of the United States and of those mentioned in Hebrews 11, we’re reminded to ask ourselves an important …

YQA – God’s Generosity

In this episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Bill and Sylvia Gearhart (his parents!) questions about God’s generosity during a season filled with job loss, a premature baby, and lots of unknowns. Listen and be encouraged!

YQA – Was Jesus a Communist?

In this week’s episode of Your Questions Answered, Todd asks Pastor Steve all about some New Testament passages that seem to describe communism/socialism. Did Jesus preach communism? What should we do with passages like this? Pastor Steve mentioned two books for further reading: Animal Farm – by George Orwell Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators – David Chilton