Word for HCF: He’s going to send families. Families are your heart, families are your concern, whether they’re single-parent families, or whole-parent fami-lies. the Lord is going to show you how to reach that family, whether it’s through the children or through the mother or through the father, or through the whole family…But God is going to give you special, special wisdom. He wants you to pray, `How do we reach this family, Lord?
Scripture: Psalm 22:27-31
Pray: We have had a number of families come to Hillside over the years through all of the means mentioned in this prophecy. Let’s pray:
That God will give us wisdom on reaching each family connected to Hillside — whether through a child, youth, or parent.
That prodigals within our families will come home to the Lord, and unsaved spouses will respond to the Lord’s love through their spouse and come to Him!