Filled with the Spirit
Eph 5:13-17 know what the will of the Lord is…
The primary purpose of a gathering of the “ecclesia” is to discern the will of God. This involves becoming connected to His living presence, and then agreeing on His Word to us together — as one.
Eph 5:18-21 submitting to one another…
The atmosphere of mutual submission is where the full manifestation of God’s love, power, and wisdom, may become manifest. As the godhead manifests as three-in-one, so does His body when we submit to one another.
Eph 5:18 do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation
Dissipation [asotia] “Un-salvation”
Any cheap substitute for what Jesus offers us (life …more abundantly) leads us away from His presence. It’s idolatry.
Eph 5:18-21 be filled with the Spirit…
speakingto one another in:
Psalms: Words (usually scripture) put to music in order to inspire, encourage, pray, praise and worship. Everything the book of Psalms does — is a Psalm.
Hymns: Praises sung to a hero, or something worth glorifying in words and songs. Early Christians co-opted hymns all to praise the name of Jesus.
Spiritual Songs any music set apart to generate intimacy between us and God. Love songs, thanksgiving poems — anything which would make a nice Hallmark card put to music
singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord
The best way to minister is by bringing the living Word of God to someone…
Psalms for courage:
91:1-16; 27:1-14; 3:1-8;
Psalms for grief/ sorrow:
34:15-22; 42:1-11; 62:1-8
Psalms for healing:
103:1-1-22; 41:1-3; 61:1-8
Eph 5:20 Alwaysgiving thanks
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