Word for HCF: Hillside will be a place of ministry to fatherless and widows — Psalm 68 will be a key Psalm for the heart and vision of this house.
Scripture: Psalm 68:5-6
Pray: Today, we are focusing prayer on the families in our church who have taken in foster children, some of whom have been adopted. They are on the frontlines of fulfilling a great portion of this prophetic promise. Pray for the Latshaws, Bostdorfs, Snyders, Hoys,
For wisdom in ministering to the hurts and confusion of each child’s his-tory, and grace to love patiently and consistently as the wounds surface.
For courage to love each child through seasons of growth and challenge, especially as adopted children continue to blend into the family.
For wisdom regarding how and when each child’s background story should be disclosed.