40 Day Fast – Day 3 – Turning Aside

Word for HCF:   For the zeal of the Lord shall come upon you in a new way concerning the vision and victory of this place.” Scripture:    Isaiah 9:7    Isaiah 42:13 Pray:   Zeal can be defined as great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective. May it be the desire of our hearts to possess great enthusiasm for …

40 Day Fast – Day 2 – By the Power of the Spirit

Word for HCF:  I am parting the veil and I am opening up the curtain and there shall even be, hear the Word of the Lord, there shall even come those that will return from many years ago. And they shall say this is a different place. For I have been working and transforming behind closed curtains. Scripture:    Isaiah 43:1-7 …

40 Day Fast – Day 1 – Turning Aside

 Word for HCF:   I’m determined for a move of God to flood this place and …it shall be accomplished.it must be accomplished in the realm of the Spirit, Scripture:    Exodus 3:1-5;  Zechariah 4:6 Pray:   In light of the message today, respond to the Lord’s call to Turn Aside and come into His Holy Presence daily, honored to be summoned by …

10/8/2017 – The Law of Christ – Part 4 – The Ministry of Reconciliation

The Law of Christ pt. 4 – The Ministry of Reconciliation 2 Cor 5:18-21  gave us the ministry of reconciliation forgiving as Jesus does – not everyone receives the benefit of his forgiveness! Not everyone gets reconciled to God. Not everyone will be reconciled to us, even when we extend total forgiveness. Our responsibility is to ensure that if there …

10/1/2017 – The Law of Christ – Part 3 – Wiping the Slate

The Law of Christ pt. 3 – Wiping the Slate 2 Cor 5:14-21 – the ministry of reconciliation Proverbs 19:11  A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, And it is his glory to overlook a transgression. Christians who are easily offended…   VIDEO Romans 5:13  … but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Forgiveness is first about …