9/10/2017 – The Law of Christ

The Law of Christ Gal 6:1-5    bear one another’s burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ Read your own mail! Balance: Bear burdens AND carry your own load. The law of Christ:   John 13:34-35     a new commandment I give to you… Jesus loved us by stooping down to meet our need. By being touched with the feeling of our …

8/20/2017 – I AM… The True Vine

I AM … The True Vine Jn 15:1-17 I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser Just as sheep need a shepherd, grapevines need a vinedresser. Wild grapes cannot bear their full potential of grapes on their own, and their fruit is not as sweet as well-tended grapes. We were all wild grapes, needed to be grafted …

7/9/2017 – I AM…The Bread of Life – Pastor Steve Blayer

I AM … The Bread of Life John’s gospel:  Evangelistic (“Believe”) – 20:31   … that believing you might have life… Life – not just for eternal sustenance, but beginning NOW. 7 I AM’s of John:    YHWH “I am/ I exist” – “The LORD” (“self-existent one.”) Used when God was introducing an aspect of His nature and plan to provide for …