7/2/2017 – Life More Abundantly – Pastor Steve Blayer

Life…More Abundantly John 10:1-15    I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. if our experience of God cannot be described with words like, “Alive, flourishing, ecstatic, thriving, exciting,” then something is lacking in our walk  (and it is not on God’s end of the relationship). v.10 The thief – comes to steal, kill & destroy – if …

6/10/2017 – Moments of Truth – Pastor Steve Blayer

Moments of Truth “This is your moment of truth” – real Q is – how will you respond to The Truth? When His Word comes for obedience: Hebrews 4 :7-13    Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts God’s Word came to them when it was their time to enter the Land – uncovered a heart of …

6/4/2017 – Made to be a Fruitful Vine – Pastor Steve Blayer

Made to be a fruitful vine John 15:8   By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. We were made to BEAR much fruit … not just consume it… The Magic basket 1 Cor 4:14-16  yet you do not have many fathers Instructors: [Boy Tutors] hired help to take the weight of …

5/28/2017 – Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy – Pastor Steve Blayer

Of whom the world was not worthy Operation Overlord What would make 156,000 young men from 5 nations travel across a choppy, mine infested English Channel in vehicles which were as yet untested in combat to storm a heavily fortified shoreline — running across a 200 yard stretch of beach carrying an 80 pound pack and a rifle in an …

5/21/2017 – Seedless Fruit – Pastor Steve Blayer

Seedless fruit Isa 54:1-3   your descendants will possess nations the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous…because they will birth generations of faith When any one man or woman in any generation lays hold of God’s vision for generations yet unborn, that one will release the greatest power in nature – the power of seed. In the end, …

5/14/2017 – The Faith of Hannah – Pastor Steve Blayer

The Faith of Hannah 1 Samuel 1-2 1:5  but to Hannah he would give a double portion, for he loved Hannah, She may not have had children, like his other wife, but he loved her more! She had His favor! but the LORD had closed her womb. NOT a fault within her, but the Lord – to increase the heart …

5/7/2017 – Made for Victory – Pastor Steve Blayer

Made for victory Isaiah 54:10-17           …Enlarge the curtains of your tent! – brings conflict, doesn’t it? We stand firm because we know His lovingkindness will never be removed from us – He is Good! Rubies…antimony…sapphires – all formed by heat and/ or pressure I created the smith… — the smith of circumstances, molding us into a weapon which cannot lose …

4/30/2017 – There is only ONE Savior – Pastor Steve Blayer

There is only ONE savior…(and it aint’ you) Balance… be like the good shepherd who seeks after the lost sheep but without taking on more than HE has > The Lord’s calling comes with peace – not anxiety or guilt. “I really should be doing…” JESUS DID NOT MEET EVERY NEED HE CAME ACROSS. WHY DO WE FEEL THE PRESSURE …