4/3/2016 – Rooted and Established Part 6: The Communion of the Saints

Rooted and Established Part 6: The Communion of the Saints READ TOGETHER:   Eph 3:14-18-  that you, being rooted and established in love… Rooted in loving God, hearing His voice, watching what we eat, rooted in love – You cannot say you love God unless you love His people…all of them: 1 John 4:16-21   …If someone says, “I love God,” and …

2/21/2016 – Rooted and Established – Part 1: The Love Languages of God

The Love languages of God The summary of all the commandments:    Matthew 22:37-40  ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD … How do we get back our first love?          When you SHOW love, you begin to FEEL love. Start building it with demonstrations of love. 1 John 4:10-19     Abiding in His love – making it a daily practice… The way …

2/14/2016 – Never Forget Your First Love

Never forget your first love The cure for restoring all things: maintaining love toward God à one another Rev 2:1-4 Ephesus:    you have left your first love      …A marital term: first = most important A marriage will fail when any other relationships become more important that the marital one: Other family; work; hobbies; friendships; ministry; Priorities are reflected by what …

To the One Who Overcomes

Pastor Steve shares on overcoming, spiritual warfare, and fighting from a place of victory in this week’s message. The text is Revelation 12 and Romans 8.   “The first most deepest understanding about spiritual warfare is that it exists.” – Pastor Steve Blayer

01/17/2016 – A Kingdom for the Courageous

This Kingdom is for the courageous Communion: Acts 20:22-24 Paul determined to go to Jerusalem Following in the footsteps of Jesus: Luke 9:51 When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem; Revelation 21:1-11 He who overcomes…but the cowardly… ¬ Overcome what? The World. Like gravity – makes us live bound to fear of …