6/19/2016 – Men of Courage

Men of Courage Joshua 1:6-9   Be strong and courageous     (3x) The world needs men of courage. Self-preservation is the antithesis of courage. Greater LOVE has no man than this… Courageous is something all men wish to be known for – men heroes are warriors. This is why men do stupid acts of courage to prove their mettle to the girls. …

6/5/2016 – The Lord Who Heals – Part 4 – Little By Little

The God who heals…little by little Psalm 23  he restores [shub] my soul…   to turn/ repent/ be restored to desired state God restores our soul to its desired condition – giving and receiving love; living in the Kingdom Way. 2 Cor 10 – strongholds = places of enemy occupation in our heart. Fortresses built in mind. From Abraham to Moses …

5/22/2016 – The Lord Who Heals – Part 2 – The Family Tree

The God who heals…The Family Tree 2 Corinthians 10:3-5     divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses Enemy comes rushing out of the stronghold whenever it gets triggered Triggers: something which causes an over-reaction to something Speculations“computations/ conclusions/ judgments” High things: something high which serves as a barrier The knowledge of God = God’s way of thinking Taking every thought (noēma) …

5/15/2016 – The LORD Who Heals

Romans 7:15-25   Strongholds = areas of our lives where we behave differently than we know to They are not our identity, but they are powerful. Sanctification is a lifelong process… “Flesh” = our heart/ inner man/ our soul …From it springs all the issues of life. We receive a new heart when we are born again, but it has to …

5/8/2016 – The True Strength of a Woman

The true strength of a woman 1 Peter 3:7  You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. Vessel = body “Weaker” –refers to  physically/ …

5/1/2016 – When God Whispers – Pastor Steve Blayer

When God whispers 1 Kings 19 Elijah at Mount Horeb Following Mt.Carmel victory – fire from heaven, rain came after 3 ½ years of drought Breakthrough had finally come, and it was a new day for Israel! With every new day come a period of shaking and breaking as the new thing emerges The enemy, with a last gasp of …