9/18/2016 – What Is God Doing? – Pastor Steve Blayer

What is God doing? John 9    the man born blind Happened just outside of Jerusalem …The situation … the reactions to it. Jesus provides the normal reaction, and His way of performing the miracle draws out something he wanted his disciples to see. Everyone involved had ideas about God and His ways which were wrong The reaction of the disciples: …

9/4/2016 – Living Wisely – Pastor Steve Blayer

Living wisely Eph 5:15-21 Making the most of your time Redemption of our time – default is that it is lost unless we do something about it Wisdom = living proactively, not reactively to life PRIORITIES: GOD –> ME –> FAMILY –> WORK, MINISTRY, ETC… The pain of regret understand what the will of the Lord is Knowing and understanding …

8/28/2016 – Mending The Nets

Mat 13:47-50 Evangelism is not fishing alone with a pole – it requires a net This net will catch all kinds of “fish” – the “good ones” will get woven into the net themselves Mark 1:16-20  James and John …  who were also in the boat mending the nets. When a net gets holes in it, you lose the catch …

8/21/2016 – Nevertheless – Pastor Steve Blayer

Nevertheless Luke 5:1-11     The first catch the fishermen had gotten out of them and were washing their nets. A sign they were finished – not just taking a break. Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch. Wholehearted commitment – go all the way in to the deep Master, we worked hard all night …

8/7/2016 – Inheritance and Reward

Inheritance and Reward Col 1:1-12  The hope and the inheritance Hope = the resurrection of the dead Inheritance = eternal life in Christ Eph 1:1-14 Every spiritual blessing in Christ Which is a “down payment” of our inheritance 1 Cor 3:6-14 What is the reward? We keep only that which is eternal

7/24/2016 – A House For His Glory – Pastor Steve Blayer

A house for his Glory Ezra 3:10-15 Pining for the old times…aiming to rebuild what once was Were misremembering it, anyway: Temple started great, ended full of idols 16 year delay in rebuilding temple due to opposition, and no heart to resist Hag 2:1-9 Shaking all nations – a historically repeated cycle VIDEO MAP: Read Scriptures Jesus will continually shake …