2/12/2017 – What Are You Seeking? – Pastor Steve Blayer

What are you seeking? Matt 6:33 …seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. > Find the treasure in the field…the pearl of great price – sell out and buy it all!!! John 1: 35-39 What do you seek? > This is one of those moments that determines the course of your …

2/5/2017 – Unashamed – Pastor Steve Blayer

Gen 3 > Fig leaves – covering our own sin because we are afraid to bring it to God > When we sin…hell now has an access point, but the accuser wants to drive us from God. > Naked = uncovered – “I have nowhere to hide, but I want to” WHEN WE GET OFFENDED, IT MEANS AN AREA OF …

1/29/2017 – He Satisfies Our Desire for Good – Pastor Steve Blayer

He Satisfies our desire for good! Genesis 3:1-6 DANGEROUS CONVERSATIONS >- Speaking with the devil (or flesh, or temptations) without God present is dangerous. has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’ >- He asks questions for which there is no rational answer. Undermines God, then poses his own answer. You shall not eat from …

1/22/2017 – Building for Eternity – Pastor Steve Blayer

1 Cor 3:12-15 > You can build – even upon a foundation in Christ — with worthless materials! > Temporary materials which grow from the earth = wisdom and ideas which originate from the earth > OR materials which have been purified by fire, or formed with fire and pressure > Sometimes, it’s God’s mercy that he tears down the …

1/15/2017 – Living Responsively – Pastor Steve Blayer

John 5:19…30 “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner… because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. Like ballroom dancing – we respond …

1/8/2017 – The First and Best Is Yours – Pastor Steve Blayer

Proverbs 3:5-12 With the firstfruits of all your increase Before anything else, God gets HIS portion. CAIN AND ABEL Ezekiel 20:33-40 33   with wrath poured out Not against US…against the sin which plagues us Only if we insist of retaining fellowship with it does God’s wrath harm us. (fleeing Sodom) 37    I will make you pass under the rod, Shepherd’s …

12/11/2016 – The Ministry of Elders

The Ministry of Elders: Acts 14:18-23 important enough to risk his life for! * Pastors – equip the saints (including elders) – without becoming the center of attention * Elders – watch over the flock – it is a shepherding role. 1 Pet 5:1-4 Peter’s restoration (John 21) – not as apostle, but as a shepherd… feed my lambs…feed my …